Trust your morning routine

Whether it's to optimize health, have more energy and productivity, or just feel happier, a solid morning routine is the best way to start a new day

Whether it's to optimize health, have more energy and productivity, or just feel happier, a solid morning routine is the best way to start a new day.

Setting the tone for the rest of the day and consistently performing a set of organized and purposeful activities will have a positive impact on various aspects of your life. Consistency not only boosts confidence but also builds integrity in following a healthy morning routine. As popular motivational speaker Mel Robbins says: "A morning regimen is a series of promises that make you," writes the Guardian.

The world's top health and personal development podcasts, featuring experts in the field, emphasize the critical importance of maintaining a morning routine, and here's what they have to say.

Mel Robbins' first rule for her listeners is to never hit the snooze button. Instead, she advises counting from five to one and just getting up, no matter how painful it is.

As Robbins says, "You might spend five minutes doing something you don't want to do, but the rest of the day you'll feel like a million bucks." But the most important reason Robbins advises against hitting the snooze button is that it leads to inertia during sleep, as your body begins another sleep cycle that can take four to recover from. o'clock.

This means that instead of taking advantage of the energy that is inherent in us at the beginning of the day, using the snooze button, we completely lose it and are sleepy.

Habit expert and author of Small Habits: The Small Changes That Make a Big Difference, BJ Fogg shares what he believes is the most important habit that sets the tone for the day, which is to wake up and immediately say to yourself, "This day it's going to be amazing!"

Call it the law of attraction or a simple mindset, but either way, instead of dreading the day ahead, we can choose to be grateful for even waking up this morning and convince ourselves that even if there are challenges, the day will be good.

One of the most important components of maintaining physical and mental health is getting enough sleep. Stanford neuroscientist and host of the highly informative podcast HubermanLab Andrew Huberman explains that exposing your eyes to sunlight for five to ten minutes immediately after waking up sets your circadian rhythm.

To do this, you need to be somewhere in direct contact with the sun, and sunlight through a window or sunglasses does not have the same effect. So whether you choose to take an early morning walk or have a cup of tea outdoors, spend your first waking moments in the sun to invest in improving your sleep.

Huberman also adds that getting sunlight in your eyes around sunset can also add support to getting enough sleep./BGNES

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