Petrovski from Skopje: Serbian radicals test Mickoski's worthiness for Serbian World

The Serbian Church and patriarch Porfirije have never abandoned the claim that Macedonia is "Old Serbia" and the existence of the Macedonian people.

I have repeatedly stated publicly and clearly that Mickoski's VMRO-DPMNE has become a Serbian coin. The lack of ideology marks the period after the fake congress in Valandovo in 2017.

Having been appointed without the support of the delegates and without a contest, Mickoski assisted in the process of changing the name and the constitution of Macedonia. He brought a team around him with questionable intellectual capacity that is pro-Serb. He himself is trying to imitate Vucic's behaviour. That is a very dangerous and completely artificial stance for IMRO. Those who are familiar with history are aware that VMRO, both historically and in modern times, fought for the independence of Macedonia from Serbia and Yugoslavia. This policy change is due to the infiltration of Serbian interests directly into the upper echelons of the party, which is run autocratically and unopposed.

The Serbian Church and patriarch Porfirije have never abandoned the claim that Macedonia is "Old Serbia" and the existence of the Macedonian people. There is no change in their actions. Frankly, I am surprised that the Macedonian Orthodox Church /MOC/ is accepting this treatment. There is information that some of the bishops of the MOC are former collaborators of the Yugoslav secret services with strongly pro-Serb views. They operate inside the MOC and completely devalue it. VMRO is also completely amortized. The result is a demonstration of Serbian hegemonism openly and unchallenged.

The presence of Milorad Dodik at the celebration of St. Sava in Skopje is a big scandal, but this is not an accident. The Greater Serbian radicals are testing whether Mickoski even knows about "Serbian World" and whether he is able to oppose it. Unfortunately, Mickoski is playing on Serbian tunes, hoping that he can make up with Belgrade for the confrontation with Bulgaria, which leaves Macedonia in an unenviable place.

I am sure that Mickoski would not participate in such celebration in Skopje regarding the Bulgarian saint Ivan Rilski. In fact, I believe that such an event would have been prevented. Unfortunately, anti-Bulgarian sentiments are being stimulated in Macedonia. I consider this to be a mistake. The strategic interest of Skopje and Sofia is special relations. Macedonia should enter the EU and the borders should be removed, with the help and assistance of Bulgaria. People want to move freely.

There are forces in Macedonia that want to replace Saints Cyril and Methodius and St Clement of Ohrid for St 
Sava. Now these forces are in the government. They use propaganda and government money for brainwashing. Thus the narratives are easily circulated. The common people pay to be brainwashed. | BGNES


Prof. Filip Petrovski, Macedonian public figure and university professor. Former director of the State Archive and former MP. The analysis was written especially for BGNES.

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