It is a matter of days for the budget to be officially presented, said the deputy chairwoman of the GERB-SDS parliamentary group in the Bulgarian parliament Raya Nazarian.
"Last year, due to the lack of a regular government, no regular budget was adopted, which is the normal practice for a good government, namely the budget should be adopted before the budget year or at the latest in December of the previous year," Nazarian said.
"As of now, the regular government had to withdraw the budget due to unrealistic figures in it and prepare another one in a more expeditious mode of work in order to be able to propose real, workable measures that would lead to the stabilization of public finances," she said.
Nazarian called speculation that GERB was delaying and sabotaging the budget "a form of manipulation by people who failed to become part of the government."
"The regular government will be the guarantor of collecting more revenues in the state, namely by strengthening the functions of the control, regulatory and supervisory bodies of the state, which should collect these revenues," Raya Nazaryan said, adding that GERB-FSD will not reduce salaries or cancel commitments already made.
She emphasized that there are huge in size - about 4 billion, unfulfilled commitments from the previous budget for 2024, which should be provided for in this budget. "The budget was pulled because it included some unrealistic measures. Now those that are realistic will be set and the budget can be implemented," Raya Nazarian said. I BGNES