Erdogan: The UN is failing in its mission

The UN is incapable of fulfilling its mission to prevent wars, protect even its own officials and hold Israel accountable for its crimes.

The UN is incapable of fulfilling its mission to prevent wars, to protect even its own officials, and to hold Israel accountable for its crimes.

That's what Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, answering questions from reporters at the Turkish Home in New York.

"Under the current system, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council can do whatever they want," Erdogan said.

He noted that despite the number of Muslim countries in the world, none of them are among the permanent members of the UNSC.

The Turkish head of state called it shameful that "the criminal (Netanyahu), who is committing genocide in Palestine, is participating in the work of the UN."

Referring to Israel's actions against Gaza and Lebanon, he noted that "Israel is ready to turn the lives of the people of the region into a nightmare for the sake of achieving its illusory dream."

Turkish President Erdogan also said, "It is really shameful that a criminal who committed genocide in Palestine can be under the roof of the UN. This is a betrayal to the memory of the babies, children, mothers, fathers, UN staff, journalists and many others who were brutalized. An order that cannot distinguish the oppressed from the oppressor, the murderer from the victim, and cannot treat each as they deserve to be treated, means that it is on the verge of collapse. The General Assembly of the United Nations will either treat it as a 'human being', or as a 'human being', or as a 'human being'.

On the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Erdogan expressed Turkey's readiness to participate in the Ukraine peace conference. According to him, Turkey supports the resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the basis of a just peace.

"Turkey is the country that most of all wants a just peace in the war between Ukraine and Russia. This war can be ended through diplomacy and dialogue. As long as both the warring parties and the other participants believe that we can solve the problems in this way. Unfortunately, we are not close to that at the moment," Erdogan said after being asked about Turkey's participation in a possible peace conference on Ukraine. He said Ankara continued to maintain contacts with the parties to the conflict. I BGNES



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