Macedonian President Silyanovska pardons drug traffickers and convicted politicians

Macedonian President Silyanovska pardons drug traffickers and convicted politicians

Macedonian President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova pardoned ten convicted criminals, reports BGNES.

Among the names that stand out is that of former Bitola mayor Vladimir Taleski, who was sentenced to seven years in prison for abuse of office in the "Transporter" case. With the pardon, his sentence was reduced by one year.

Taleski spent three years under house arrest, after which he was given another four years in prison. More than half a million euros in illegally acquired funds were confiscated in the case.

He was already pardoned in 2016 by President Ivanov when he received a general amnesty. His former partner Slobodan Bonchanovski was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison on the same charges.

Gordana Siljanovska also pardoned Shenol Maslany, brother of Shenki Versace, famous in North Macedonia.

Shenol was mentioned in a police bulletin in 2019 after a raid against a drug trafficking group, but no criminal charges were brought against him.

His brother, Shenki, is known for his love of the Versace fashion brand and owns the Versace coffee bar, drawing attention for his luxurious lifestyle with funds from obscure origins.

The President also reduced the sentences of Akif Ravamanoski - a member of the Baron drug clan, Marjan Efremov - the main suspect in the "Spy" affair, Nikola Trpcheski, Muharem Ali, Todor Popov, Tomislav Simeonov, Pero Kuzmanovski, Zhivko Delidzhakov.

Ravamanoski is suspected of shooting 35-year-old E.A. in the leg in the Skopje district of Cair a few days ago. I BGNES


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