Mickoski asked for a French proposal 2.0. He will not negotiate with the caretaker government of Bulgaria

Skopje is waiting for a regular cabinet in Bulgaria to start a dialogue with it

Skopje is waiting for a regular cabinet in Bulgaria to start a dialogue with it.

Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski requested a French proposal 2.0 and rejected any possibility of dialogue with the Bulgarian caretaker government, BGNES reported.

"We are neighbours and we have to build good neighbourly relations. However, we have a Treaty of Good Neighborhood which should be the basis for us to continue. Additions of the type of the French proposal can have another addition - a French proposal plus, etc. Convinced I am sure that our eastern neighbour, if she is looking out for her own interest, will understand that the negotiation process for us must start if we want the Balkans to be one whole as part of the European Union. I am convinced that there are politicians there who want to see this", said the Prime Minister of North Macedonia and added:

"We are for the unblocking of the European integration processes and we will work dedicated to this program. On the other hand, we must have a partner with whom we can communicate. The elections in Bulgaria are scheduled for October 27, until then there is a caretaker government. After that, I hope that there is a regular cabinet with which we will be able to sit at the table and find a joint solution that will finally remove the decade-long blockade in the European integration process. This is a two-way street".

Regarding the constitutional changes, Mickoski indicated that his government will work for full membership in the European Union and will make reforms, "but unfortunately this process does not depend on him alone".

The prime minister claimed that Macedonian citizens faced "demands and humiliations like no other citizen of the former Eastern bloc as they move closer to membership of the European Union":

"We have been candidates for EU membership for almost 20 years, and almost 25 years have passed since the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement. Unfortunately, due to unprincipled demands and local politicians who, for the benefit of their own enrichment and corruption, accepted everything, we cannot let's continue," he added.

The Minister of European Affairs, Orhan Murtezani, emphasized that changes to the constitution were a topic that was discussed during the formation of the government and added that this was done not as an ultimatum, but as a concern for accelerating the country's integration into the European Union.

"We wanted to give additional dynamics at the beginning of the work of the government so that we can all focus together on how to find a common solution. That is why there are very large and frequent meetings between representatives of the government and outside. I believe that on the problem with the constitutional changes, which does not depend only on us, a solution will be found that will unblock the country's path to the European Union," he said. | BGNES

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