Plenkovic to Mickoski: In the last 20 years there have been many injustices towards North Macedonia

Croatia is ready to help North Macedonia on its way to the European Union. This is the message Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic sent after meeting his Macedonian counterpart, Christian Mickoski , who is on his first official visit to Croatia.

He said Croatia would advocate the most dynamic process of North Macedonia's accession to the Union.

"There have been many injustices to North Macedonia over the past 20 years and the time has come when all of this must be respected. I think so many concessions have been made on the Macedonian side that hardly any country would accept to take so many steps on its side to speed up its path to EU membership," Plenkovic told a press conference in Zagreb.

He believes that it is necessary to work together to start negotiations on North Macedonia's EU accession as soon as possible.

Prime Minister Mickoski said that the injustice done to the country over the past two and a half decades is great and that concessions have been made that do not exist. Starting from the temporary mention of the country's name, to the change of the flag and the banknotes, to the change of the country's name with the Prespa Agreement.

He appreciated that the country is in a whirlpool that has no certain end, although the desire of the Macedonian citizens to be part of the EU family is great.

"We have many internal problems and we will solve them, there should be no dilemma here, we will work as necessary. We have done enough, now we need someone to open the door for us so that we can enter this room, start negotiating and show how much we can do", Mickoski said.

The two prime ministers also discussed promoting bilateral cooperation at all levels, especially at the economic level, given that there is room for improvement, even though annual trade is already $300 million.

During Prime Minister Mickoski's first bilateral visit to Croatia, bilateral agreements were signed between the Ministries of Education and Science and Health in Zagreb. They foresee specialised training of doctors from North Macedonia in Croatia, expert training of liver transplant team and specialists, exchange of experts to provide consultancy services in the treatment of patients.

The new three-year cooperation plan includes exchange of experts and consultancy services, cooperation in the field of professional development of healthcare workers and cooperation in the field of organ donation and transplantation. | BGNES

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