The remains of Tsar Ferdinand are brought to Sofia

The remains of Tsar Ferdinand are brought to Sofia.

Tsar Ferdinand returns to Bulgaria. The transfer of the remains from Coburg to Sofia is expected within a month, the Crow Palace said.

After his death in Coburg in 1948, the body of Tsar Ferdinand I was temporarily laid to rest in the crypt of the Catholic Church of St. Augustine" in the same town.

In the year of his death, the Tsar's burial in his second homeland, Bulgaria, was completely impossible in view of the political situation at home and in the post-war period throughout Europe, despite his great desire and that of his relatives.

After the democratic changes, several initiative committees were set up whose efforts in this direction were not successful, despite the good intentions of their organisers.

Today's conditions of democracy and respect for history allow the remains of Tsar Ferdinand to be laid to eternal rest in the family crypt of his beloved Vrana Palace in Sofia. In this way, the necessary tribute will be paid to a long-serving head of state and commander-in-chief who, despite a number of controversial assessments of some moments of his reign, contributed much to the development and modernisation of our country. /BGNES

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