Ollie the cat completed the Sydney-Hobart after nearly eight days on the high seas

Ollie the 10-year-old cat has become the first pet to finish the legendary Sydney-Hobart regatta. Ollie and his owner Bob Williams crossed the finish line last of all 85 boats, but were nevertheless given a hero's welcome at Hobart Harbour.

Bob, Ollie, co-captain Chris Warren and their boat Sylph VI needed a total of 7 days, 19 hours, 26 minutes and 15 seconds to travel the 628 nautical miles (1,163 kilometers) from Sydney to Hobart. "I'm emotional, it's amazing how people have welcomed Ollie, I didn't expect it. He's part of the team, part of the boat. He's just an ordinary kitten, but he's become an international celebrity," commented Williams at the final.

Bob and Ollie's journey was not an easy one, with at times the boat having to overcome waves between 4 and 6 meters and at other times the wind was too light and the boat had no speed. Built in 1960, Sylph VI was the oldest boat in this edition of the regatta. Williams has done two trips around the world with her, and now he and Ollie plan to head to Tasmanian waters.

The winner of the regatta for the second year in a row was the boat Alive. /BGNES

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