Hakan Fidan: We have many problems to solve with Greece

The dispute between Turkey and Greece is not only about maritime borders - in particular the continental shelf and exclusive economic zones (EEZs), but also broader issues, including the "demilitarization" of the Greek islands.

The dispute between Turkey and Greece is not only about maritime borders - in particular the continental shelf and exclusive economic zones (EEZs), but also broader issues, including the "demilitarization" of the Greek islands.

This was said by Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan. "We have problems in the Aegean; we don't have just one problem, we have many problems, we have to discuss them," he said in an interview with Turkish TV channel A Haber.

The problems are "the continued militarization of the islands that should be demilitarized, the continental shelf , the territorial waters, the formations whose status is not determined, the air space, the exclusive economic zone," he also said.

"There are many questions about these issues, after them describe correctly, we can proceed to an appropriate solution. We need to see how a different approach can be taken, of course, looking at previous efforts, if this possibility exists," Fidan further emphasized: "Instead of describing only the problems, let's rise higher and, as our president says, the Aegean Sea is a wonderful environment. We want to make it a paradise that serves the prosperity, security, peace, happiness of both countries, with the political and military agreements that will let's sign. I BGNES

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