Macedonian PM on Bozinovska's Bulgarian citizenship: I am honoured to work with her, she is a true Macedonian

On 31 October, the Bulgarian News Agency (BGNES) published the declaration Bozinovska filed to acquire Bulgarian citizenship in 2004.

"It is a real privilege for Sanja Bojinovska to be part of the Macedonian government. Her CV and achievements are a testament to her expertise."

This is what Macedonian Prime Minister Christian Mitkoski said in the parliament in Skopje on the occasion of this morning's information by the Bulgarian news agency BGNES that Bozinovska had declared her Bulgarian origin and identity in 2004.

According to Mickoski, he "fell into a situation of justifying himself because they were successful".

"Sanja Bojinovska is a much bigger Macedonian than all of you," Mickoski added, referring to former Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski.

"I have known Bojinovska since 2011. Believe me, the global business elite from Ukraine to Spain and from Argentina to the Scandinavian peninsula know about her. Now, instead of being proud and happy that we have a professional with people and connections, we make up stories that have nothing to do with energy and mining," Mickoski added in parliament.

On 31 October, the Bulgarian News Agency (BGNES) published the declaration Bozinovska filed to acquire Bulgarian citizenship in 2004. In the document, the Macedonian minister declared her Bulgarian identity and origin in her own handwriting.

Bozinovska states that her mother and father - Pero and Veneta - are Bulgarians.

Thanks to her Bulgarian identity documents, Bozinovska completed her higher economic education in the Czech capital Prague under preferential conditions because she is a citizen of a member state of the European Union. Later, she also managed to acquire Czech citizenship because of her long-time residence in the Czech Republic - again thanks to her Bulgarian passport.

In 2023, she was granted a Czech citizenship. In 2023, Bojinowska submitted to the Bulgarian institutions a declaration of residence abroad (Czech Republic), confirming her place of work - employee in a local company. She worked as a director in the Croatian company Rudnap as a Bulgarian citizen. This is also confirmed by registration at the Commercial Court in Zagreb. | BGNES

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