Jake Paul defeated Mike Tyson by referee decision

Heavyweight legend Mike Tyson, 58, was defeated by boxer-turned-boxer Jake Paul in a professional bout in Arlington, Texas, USA, AFP reports.

Tyson, who hasn't fought professionally since 2005, started well but was largely dominated by Paul, who was unanimously declared the winner by the referees after eight rounds of two minutes

"This is such an honour, Mike Tyson is a legend, the greatest in history, he has inspired me. It was very tough as expected" exclaimed Jake Paul.

"I'm happy, I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself, I'm happy with what I've managed to do," commented Tyson.

Аfter looking strong and dangerous for two rounds, Mike Tyson looked weakened and was largely dominated by his young opponent who used his reach to hit him with left hands.

Tyson, a boxing legend and the youngest world heavyweight champion in 1986, has not boxed professionally since June 2005, when he lost to Ireland's Kevin McBride.
He was forced to postpone a fight originally scheduled for July 20 against Paul after receiving medical treatment aboard a plane for an ulcer on May 26.

Many observers, including former American world boxing champion Deontay Wilder, have expressed their concern about a man in his late sixties stepping into a professional ring, saying they fear serious injury.

The fight, held in front of more than 72,000 spectators, was adapted for this purpose, featuring 8 rounds of 2 minutes (instead of 12 rounds of 3 minutes) and slightly thicker gloves. | BGNES

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